Summary Info
Iron Hand Training is a conditioning technique common to most genuine types of kung-fu practice. It was developed to strengthen the student’s hands and body in order for them to be effective when applying the techniques of the art they are studying. This intensive training technique requires serious commitment on the part of the student. However, Iron Hand training at the Little Nine Heaven UK School is well worth the effort and here we have split the training into two levels of study.
For most, the first level or ‘Method 1’ is sufficient to build strong hands appropriate to practice. For those who enjoy this type of training, the second level, which adds two further ‘methods of training’, can be learnt which demand more time and are specifically required to be effective in the system of ‘Poison Fingers Boxing’.
The Iron Hand training and conditioning methods taught at this school are a unique set of skills that will complement any martial arts training regime.
Little Nine Heaven UK’s intensive Iron Hand training programme uses a variety of methods and techniques initially taught to Grand Master McNeil by Master Shun and this training was further refined by Master Hsu (Hsing-I), Master Chin (Tzu Men Chuan). The two levels combined create a complete system that trains all areas of the hands and appropriate areas of the body by building strength through repeated exercise. When practised correctly, with guidance from a teacher, all of these methods should be relatively painless and should never cause permanent damage to the hands.
On the subject of Iron Hand training, Grand Master McNeil once said to me “Beware of the fighter with soft hands!; because a person who has trained in our methods of Iron Hand will show no obvious signs on their hands. You will know only when you have been hit!”
The Little Nine Heaven Iron Hand Training Programme
Struggling to find time to attend regular classes? Too busy with work?
Why not consider studying in an intensive training course and self study between courses in your own time. Learn the whole Little Nine Heaven UK School Iron Hand Training syllabus in a structured programme to suit your time frame.
Level 1 Basic Iron Hand Course (Method 1)
The first method is the ‘Slapping Method’. This is suitable for all students and levels of martial artists and is a good stand alone method to achieve strong hands. It is often taught to all members of our regular classes and is generally less time consuming and, therefore, easier to keep up regular practice. Using all sides of the hands, students repeatedly hit a bag filled with beans. The training is very thorough and students will see results quickly as the hands are conditioned and strengthened.
This method is supported by arm and body conditioning exercises and Chi-Kung exercises specific to this training. Finally, an traditional Little Nine Heaven recipe of Chinese herbal medicine is used to protect the hands from any injury through the training.
Basic training for this method is 100 consecutive days in order to see satisfactory results. The instructor based training required to start this method is a 7 day programme consisting of 2 hours per day consecutively. This includes all equipment required.
Level 2 Advanced Iron Hand Course (Combines Methods 1,2 and 3)
The second method is the ‘Cooking Method’, which is an advanced training technique suitable for more serious practitioners; due to the time involved in keeping up this training being considerable.
With this method, the hands are soaked in a heated mixture of special Chinese herbs which improves chi and blood flow through the hands and therefore, helps them to heal faster after training. This method is also supported by arm and body conditioning exercises, Chi-Kung exercises specific to this training and application of Chinese herbal medicine. Further to this, there is the practice of a specific standing meditation technique which helps circulate the chi in the hands and arms and draws the herbal mixtures into the hands more effectively.
The third method is the “Thrusting Method,” in which hands are repeatedly thrust into a drum filled with beans. This conditioning technique trains the hands and in particular, the fingers, to become a forceful and durable striking tool, able to drive through objects without injuring the hands. This method is an adjunct of the second method and uses the same supporting exercises and meditation practices. However, the observation of a teacher is required throughout the early stages of this method, as injury and potentially serious damage can be caused to the practitioner if guidelines are not properly adhered to. The third method can only be taught if methods one and two above have been learned and are being actively practised at the time of study.
Training for Level 2 Advanced Iron Hand course requires 100 consecutive days. Instructor based training required to start this method is a 7 day programme, consisting of 4 hours per day consecutively. This includes all equipment required, regular checkups and advisory support throughout the 100 day programme.
All private lessons and Intensive courses are taught at the fully equipped Little Nine Heaven UK School by qualified and insured instructors. Private instruction at other venues may incur travel and accommodation costs.
For training costs of Intensive training courses, see Timetable and Prices page. Feel free to contact for any further information. Intensive courses do not include food or lodgings.
Iron Hand Training led by Sifu Andrew Jackson
Sifu Andrew taking a group through Iron Hand practice at our Stockport HQ during a recent seminar.
Iron Hand group practice at our Stockport HQ
The bag training is high repetition + low impact, building up reps and force gradually to protect the hands and ensure long-term benefits.
Iron Hand - Sifu Ben Norbury
Iron hand forearm and grip conditioning exercise using bricks here but can be done with anything - jars, weights, can of beans! These exercises alone are great for many sports - boxing, cricket, goalkeepers.
Iron Hand Training Masters Lineage
Master Ralph Shun
Master James McNeil's first teacher in the Iron Hand training method was Master Ralph Shun.
He learned the bag striking and cooking methods alongside special iron hand chi kung methods.
Master Chin Cheng-Yen
Later on in his training Master James McNeil was introduced to Tzu Men Chuan Master Chin Cheng-Yen who taught him further in the art of Iron Hand training specifically the finger strengthening training needed to effectively apply the systems unique point striking method commonly referred to as 'poison fingers'.
Grandmaster James McNeil
When discussing his Iron Hand Training in his life story book 'One Mans Destiny' Grand Master McNeil states:
I became obsessed with it and I couldn’t train enough. I would soak my hands in a special Chinese liniment before and after training while doing a special breathing exercise to pull the medicine deep into my pores. I pounded my hand on a bag filled with soybeans then thrust my fingers and fist into a drum filled with beans. This would take at least two hours. Every day I trained harder and harder. On weekends, I would spend time at home breaking bricks. If someone in a magazine broke 18 tiles with spacers, I would go home and break 20 without spacers and say to myself, “You aren’t so good.” My backyard was filled with broken tiles and bricks.
I was obsessed with learning the iron hand training. I trained everyday and then some. In my own mind I became the best. When learning something special you must do your best and push yourself to the limits. What other people think is not important; it is what you believe in and how you feel about yourself that counts. I mastered the iron hand for me and only me, and nobody can take that away from me. I mastered it!
Iron Hand Training Testimonials